Sheryl Hongsermeier

I have been in practice for 11 years as an acupuncturist. I am Board certified through NCCAOM in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I have used Acupbilling services for about 2 years and I have been VERY satisfied!

Acupbilling is very professional, efficient, and thorough. Stacy, the head of the company, contacts me with relevant and up-to-date information on record/chart keeping and documentation. She is always friendly and available, even though I can imagine that her business life working with insurance companies all day can be quite challenging. It is easy to get in contact with Acupbilling, either through e-mail or phone. I receive questions to my answers really quickly. I treat patients on the weekend and Acupbilling will even promptly answer my e-mails then! Acupbilling’s record keeping is very efficient and everything is electronic and kept on file. I am a provider for BCBS and I usually get paid by BCBS 10 days after seeing patients. Acupbilling is very prompt in getting in claims!!!! There are other times such as Medicare claims that takes FOREVER to pay, but with insurance, I know I have to be patient. I also know that I’m in good hands and if I didn’t hire Acupbilling, my claims probably will never even get processed.

In sum, Acupbilling has helped me be successful in my acupuncture practice. By being specialized in billing for acupuncture services, Stacy has become an expert in that area. I’ve used other billers prior but I definitely prefer dealing with Acupbilling. I highly recommend this service to any acupuncturists who want to make a decent living in practicing Oriental Medicine.