Acupuncture Billing Services
Acupuncture Billing Services and Support
Services we offer:
- Credentialing
- Benefit and Eligibility check
- Precertification
- Denial Follow up and Appeal
- Claim Status and Monthly Report
- Claim Submission
- Workman’s Comp
- Auto Accidents
- Cloud based web portal for tracking claims and verifying benefits
Support includes:
- Phone or online consultation and training.
- Step-by-step guidance and instructions on how to get insurance billing started. (for practitioners new to insurance billing).
- Diagnostic review of your current state of billing (for practitioners already billing with insurance).
- Signing up with electronic clearing houses and insurance websites to submit and monitor claims electronically.
- Fast claim submissions within 1-3 business days or as adjusted.
- Follow-ups on unpaid claims or claims with errors.
- Recording claim payment activities and providing monthly feedback reports.
- Providing an online database of all your patients’ complete list of claims with dates of services, billed charges, payments received, and dates of payments.
- Quick response time with Email or phone support with our live representatives during business hours: 1-800-920-8057